Winter is here and it has brought friends. I know sitting here in my small office space that I am feeling the cold this season more than ever. Is a sign of getting older or feeling unfit or poor diet; or a mixture of all three plus some other undefended cause? Either way I am cold and feeling unmotivated. The months of June, July and august are slow revenue months for Access Window and Door Repair. I take this time to spend more time with the family and work on small projects at home. They usually consist of tidying, tinkering, and creating. I enjoy building projects with my family. This can be small tables or carboard castles for adventure and imaginative play. The hot glue gun gets used A LOT during these projects. I spend more of hot glue sticks than I do on drawing paper. The process of creating with my family is very rewarding and the results are always fun. Another activity I like to do during the winter months is reflect on what the previous year has taught me. For example, money matters and creating long term wealth is currently on my family’s mind. How does one look after money making and create long term investments that generate more revenue that our expenses. I am sure this seems obvious yet this education has eluded us for many years. One of the simplest ways we can lower expenses now is to stop using so much energy (gas and electricity). The cost of living is high and utilities are unescapable. So, we have stated doing some easy reduction methods to lower usage and therefore costs. Water saver shower heads are inexpensive and easy to install. With some quick investigation I discovered a shower head that feels great and only uses 9 litres of water per minute. This is a fast difference from a non-water save shower head which can use up to 20 litres per minute. That is a big saving. You can find these shower heads at bunnings. Here
Shower head
Another tip for saving money of utilities is turning off everything from the power point. It seems trivial however this simple step will reduce consumption because most of the items we use have a transformer that is reducing 240 volts down to 5v-10 volts (tv, dvd, google speakers, modems boosters etc). Turning these appliances off will stop the trickle of power being used. Its worth a try and its free! Another tip we always do in the home to save power is to block off rooms with curtains. These curtains are easy to install and can also be bough at bunnings. See links here for what we use. Curtain with eyelets
Curtain rail
this simple install with keep heat inside the desired room and make everyone feel toasty warm.
The last tip I have is to keep all your window and doors sealed with draught striping. This is a big help with reducing heating bills. We offer a large variety of draught seals for the home and can assist with install options and costs. We have mohair seals available which are used for sliding windows and sliding doors as well as rubber seals used for awning windows and hinged doors. If you have any questions feel free to reach out on 0434901811 or contact us via and
Thank you for your continued support and stay warm and wealthy!
Matteo Meccelli