Window repairs and door repairs in your home and office are to be considered when ever you believe there is a problem. For example. Check out this short video showing what happens when window hardware has failed and you don’t realize. Non-graphic content. It will make you jump though!
Now that i have your attention lets get back to basics.
Every year hundreds of people just like you break fingers opening broken windows. This is not nice to think about however it happens. I have personally been onsite when a customer did the exact thing as the video above shows and ended up snapping two fingers and losing a lot of skin off her knuckles…right in front of my eyes. Its was horrible. I had just told her to be careful when opening damaged windows but she was sure everything was ok. This is just one example of many that I hear about in my industry. Don’t let this happen to you.
Get your windows and doors fixed before they become dangerous.
Sash cord, spiral balance, channel balance, spring balance, clock spring, coil spring double hung windows all behave the same when they break. They become a guillotine. This will hurt whom ever is nearby. This could be your kids or parents. I can solve all these problems with one site visit and hardware replacement. Its easy to arrange and affordable to complete.
For more information call 0434901811 or visit now!